Updates on Ryan:

On Friday night 09/04/2009 Ryan had a motorcycle accident, he was following Megan(his girlfriend) to her house and she was about 1 mile ahead of him, and as he crossed a bridge he lost control of the bike and crashed. Megan called me about 10:00 and asked if i was sitting down, and proceeded to tell me about the accident she said Ryan thinks he broke his pelvis. well he would be correct, after he arrived at the hospital and had tons of x rays and after what seemed like forever they finally confirmed that he had multiple fractures in his pelvis, and right hip as well as where the Femur fits in the hip socket he had multiple fractures there as well. and they would schedule surgery for Tuesday 9/8/09

Over the weekend Ryan was in tremendous pain but they kept him well medicated, and they scheduled his surgery for tuesday mid afternoon.

Tuesday 9/8/09
Ryan went in for surgery about 1:40 his time (he lives in knoxville) and they placed pins and plates to repair his hip and some of the fractures, the surgery took about 3 hours. After surgery he was in recovery for a while and spent the rest of the evening trying to control pain. (this was not an easy task) Ryan was pretty uncomfortable most of the night.
Today 9/9/09 the physical therapist came in this morning and worked with him to try to get him to walk 2 steps to a chair, she worked with him for about 45 min. He was in such excruciating pain they decided to wait till tomorrow to try.

Please pray for him to be able to take those steps tomorrow without pain.
Please pray for God to heal his body completely and that he would not develop arthritis.
Please pray that his family would know when to be there and when to back off so he does not get frustrated with us.
Please pray for a quick recovery
Please pray for finances through his healing.
Please pray for a sound frame of mind for all of us, that good decisions would be made with wise council from the lord.

Thanks for all your prayers and concerns. and i will keep you updated.
I will be in knoxville on saturday


Anonymous September 10, 2009 at 12:05 PM  

Jana told me about this. I am so sorry to hear about it. You, your brother and your entire family are in my prayers! As always, let me know if there is anything else I can do.

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In a nutshell

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I am married to the most incredible man ever. (i am not biased at all!!!) The depth of his heart amazes me daily. We have the most beautiful son in the world, he brings so much joy to my life every day.