And the Saga begins

Well so as you know my brother had a motorcycle accident 2 weeks ago and he is still in the hospital he is now just aiting on the insurance to approve the rehab facility... but if they take any longer he will probably heal incorrectly and they will need to do surgery again. But it is what it is! So anyway i was supposed to go to knoxville to help care for ryan last saturday (that did not happen) but befor i left i knew i needed to get Jaxon in to the MD to check on what i thought was a yeast infection, after h visit with Dr. Tam on Friday we found out that he had blood in his urine, and they classified it as a UTI. Boys do not typically get UTI's so she sent his urine off to the lab for a culture, and she started him on antibiotics twice daily for 10 days.
On tuesday Dr Tam called me and told me that he would need some further test run, so on Thursday the 24 we are going to have an ultrasound and a dye test done to check his anatomy and to see if he has reflux in his kidneys.
So here is where it gets interesting... both my dad and I have 3 kidneys 2 functioning and one non functioning, and we both had surgery to "redo our plumming" move our ureters rom the non functioning kidney to the functioning ones. we both had reflux, so now i am concerned that Jaxon has the same issue. I know that my surgery was 20 years ago but all i remember is being in the hospital for a while and i continue to have kidney infections to this day. so my prayer is that If Jaxon needs surgery that it would be an easy proceedure, and thatwe could afford it. Please pray for our little fellow, he has been pretty canky lately and with Aleks getting off at 8 every night this week i have not had much relief.

Prayer request
Ryan to continue healing and improving,
Insurance to hurry and get him in rehab
Jaxon to feel better
Mommy to not be so frazzled
Daddy to know how proud i am of him for all the hard work he does.
Our finances

Thanks everyone


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In a nutshell

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I am married to the most incredible man ever. (i am not biased at all!!!) The depth of his heart amazes me daily. We have the most beautiful son in the world, he brings so much joy to my life every day.