Enjoy the little things

I have learned how important it is to slow down, take a breath and just enjoy the moment. I feel as though I am always running from one thing to the next without ever slowing down.

For instance when I clean my house I always start in the kitchen and move back, because that is the first thing everyone sees.
Unfortunatly by the time I am to the living room there are items from my room, Jaxons room and the bathroom that need to be put away and somehow I always end up aving these crazy thoughts while putting things away.

Here is a look into my thought process (and actions), While taking an item to Jaxons room I notice hey the diapers in here need to be refilled, so I refill them, then I notice hey the sheet on his bed needs to be changed, so I change it, then i notice the dust ruffle needs to be adjusted, and the carpet needs to be vaccumed, and I should probably go thru his drawrers and empty the things he has grown out of... hey this dresser needs to be dusted, so I go get the dusting stuff (in the laundry room ) these cleaning supplies are low let me make a list, hey the laundry is done let me switch out loads, oh these are my clothes in the dryer let me put them away real quick... man my closet is a mess I dont need this outfit, or this outfit, or this pair of shoes, and why are all these wires in my closet(Aleks). What was I doing before i started cleaning my closet......???? oh well I am here might as well finish, hey Jaxon's paci I was wondering where that was, and here is a toy I betterr put it where it goes befor i forget again... (again back in jaxon's room) hey this dresser needs to be dusted, I should probably gather all the clothes he can't wear anymore and store them so we can have more space. ....... on and on and on i think you get the point.

So needless to say Aleks's and I's room never gets cleaned... it get's picked up but it is always neglected. In sayin all this I am trying to get you to see the chaos involved in me just cleaning my house, however this same type of thought process happens in my everyday life. So my 1/2 year resolution is to SLOW down, tackle 1 task at a time... if it is not all done in 1 day, week, month... who cares... Spend this precious time with my husband and my ever growing son. he is growing so fast and I am missing the little things with him, because I think hey I need to go to once upon a child, and walgreens, sams, kroger, target, and hey why is he so cranky... oh yeah he is tired, hungry hot and ready to play.

I not only am missing out on time with my family But time with my Father... my heavenly Father.. I can't remember my last quiet time.... SAD I know, Infact mothers day was the last time I sat in a church service, I have been to church but I have been back at the nursery desk.. (which I love) but I need to go to church. I miss the worship.
I wake up everyday and thank God for my day, and in the middle of the night while rocking Jaxon i thank God for him, but that's not enough I miss that relationship, that closeness. I need to slow down and enjoy the little things.

I have been humming this song all day today, and i feel like it is exactly what God is trying to get me to understand:
In the secret in the quiet place
in the STILLNESS You are there
In the secret in the quiet hour i wait only for you God
I want to know you more.
I Want to know you
I want to hear your voice
I want to know you more.

I want to know you
I want to see your face
I want to know you more.

This is such a simple concept
yet so hard for me to comprehend,
God just wants me to stop, be quiet, and get to know him more... why is that so hard.
I can take time out of my busy life to watch t.v. or to get on the internet, but not to get to know my Father more.
How can i teach my son to love Jesus if he does not see me spending time with Jesus, or if my relationship with Christ is not what it needs to be?

Friends please pray for my walk, pray that i can take that special time to sit bac and just listen to what God has to teach me.

In a nutshell

My photo
I am married to the most incredible man ever. (i am not biased at all!!!) The depth of his heart amazes me daily. We have the most beautiful son in the world, he brings so much joy to my life every day.