I am still here

I know I know it seems as if I have dropped of the earth, but iI am still here, there is just nothing exciting to blog about. However this week has been really exciting(for me anyway) and it is only Tuesday. On Monday we started using cloth diapers exclusively. I was really shocked at how easy it is. We purchased a sample pack of diapers with 5 different name brands of cloth pocket diapers in it and I already had one blueberry diaper so now we have six diapers total which means that i have to wash them every night but that is minor. I have changed him at home and in public and both places were easy. We are hoping to get more diapers for his birthday but we want to find the brand that works the best for us, so far we like all of them. Aleks has yet to change J's diaper so that might be an experience. I will keep you posted on how things go, but if you are interested in cloth and you have several brands that you would like to try check out Snootybootydiapers.com and look at their sample packs. Michelle was great and very efficiant. Thanks Michelle.


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In a nutshell

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I am married to the most incredible man ever. (i am not biased at all!!!) The depth of his heart amazes me daily. We have the most beautiful son in the world, he brings so much joy to my life every day.