Fun Day Monday

So today was a fun day, We took Jaxon to the doctor today so we could get caught up on his visits. Since we lost our insurance right after his 2 month visit, we were a little behind on all his monthly checkups. Today they gave him 4 shots to catch up. (ouch) he was so good, after the first two he wanted to cry but daddy made him laugh, and after the second two he only cried a little. He seemed to be pretty miserable today but he stuck it out and ran all our errands with us, without fussing.

Somehow he always seems to know that we are out and he acts really good... well most of the time. but as soon as we get in the car he screams.

Ok sorry i got off on a tangent. Whil we were at the Dr. he told me i need to start letting him cry it out at night, if i ever want him to sleep through the night, he also told me to stop giving him his lovey at night because he could suffocate. I personally think this man is nuts. basically this is what he is wanting me to do in layman's terms....

1.) let my extremely hungry baby cry all night..... now i know that i need to but here is the thing with Jaxon, he nursed every 2 hours up untill last week, and he is now streatching to 4 hours, but he also eats solids for breakfast, lunch, an dinner and he usually eats this 2 hours after nursing, so basically he eats every 2 hours.

2.) Force myself to listen to a screaming baby when i am on the verge of being an insomniac. (because he is up at least twice everynight i don't sleep well)

3.) put my baby in the bed without the 1 thing that seems to comfort him when he is upset, sleepy, or just grumpy.

I am not sure if i can do it. i really want him to sleep but tonight of all nights the night after such a hard day. do i really do it, do i let him cry it out, or do i cater to him today?
Of course i want him to sleep but i also want to cater, just today while he feels bad. but i know if i wait I will always have some excuse.

Please pray for me for these next few days while i attempt to get my sweet baby to sleep.


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In a nutshell

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I am married to the most incredible man ever. (i am not biased at all!!!) The depth of his heart amazes me daily. We have the most beautiful son in the world, he brings so much joy to my life every day.