A day in the life

Ok so before i get way to deep into my life i want show you my daily routine.

I watch a 3 month old little girl everyday. she is my best friends daughter. She is a sweet little baby and i enjoy having her here. My only complaint is it makes it hard to get out with both babies. you see we live in an apartment and against my husbands better judgement i had to have an upstairs apartment.. i am so dumb. Ladies listen to your husbands because SOMETIMES they have better ideas than you.

So i want you to just imagine with me for a little bit close your eyes and picture me strapping my 20 lb 9 ounce boy in the Ergo baby carrier, on my chest, and carrying a diaper bag and a 14 lb little cutie in her car seat down a flight of stairs, and then back up when we get home.

Now if you are anything like me you want to go take a nap right now. This is exactly why i dont get out much, because everytime i think about it i want to lay down so i just stay in.

Here are some pics of a typical day at my house... Tuesday-friday.


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In a nutshell

My photo
I am married to the most incredible man ever. (i am not biased at all!!!) The depth of his heart amazes me daily. We have the most beautiful son in the world, he brings so much joy to my life every day.